Thursday, April 07, 2022

Poem a Day 7: Too Much

Today's prompt by Robert Brewer for Day 7 of the Poem a Day Challenge is simply to write about abundance. 

Perhaps 'having abundance' means having more than we need. A quick check Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines abundance as "1. an ample quantity : an abundant amount : profusion a city that has an abundance of fine restaurants. 2 : affluence, wealth a life of abundance." 

But further down the search page, GoodNet offers a slightly different definition: "In a spiritual context, the notion of abundance or plenty is less about material conditions, revolving instead (once basic needs are met), around an appreciation of life in its fullness, joy and strength of mind, body and soul."

Too Much

This morning brings a profusion of choices,
words on the page prolific, lush,
too much. 
There is no surplus when
you live close to the bone.
Too many families know nothing of plenty,
each day a dash to balance what is there
with what is not. Just for today,
I want to walk under a sheer blue sky,
grateful for shoes that don't pinch.
We hold hands,
the sweet smell of spring around us,
the tiniest buds opening everywhere;
overhead, geese fly south,
the snow on nearby mountains melts,
and I feel as if
I could breathe in abundance.

Image by Anrita1705 from Pixabay


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Diedre. I wasn't sure where Robert Brewer's prompt of abundance would take me, but I'm glad you enjoyed reading this!

  2. You've done well with the prompt, Beth. I particularly like the idea of breathing in abundance. I definitely feel like that sometimes, as if I'm filling my heart to overflowing.
    How can I join this poem a day challenge? I know I'm late but I'd like to have a go.

    1. Dear Grams, Click on the link in the opening of this blog post. That will take you to Robert Brewer's prompt of the day. You can see other prompts just by going back through my posts from April 1 on. Really, the only thing you need to do is to start writing (and posting) those poems. Looking forward to reading your poems!
