Today's prompt from Robert Brewer, of Writer's Digest, for National Poetry Month is to write a breaking poem. Brewer says that "the poem could be about breaking down walls, break dancing, breaking up, or breaking stuff. However you'd like to break it down and then write your poem."
Breaking/Not Broken
There is no broken glassNo shattered door, no screaming
in the night, no, we did not hold
our breath, waiting
for what we did not know
was possible,
until the skies exploded
and buildings fell
around us, and we died.
Leaders in council rooms
gather to vote,
yay or nay, the risks greater
than one life or two,
or several hundred.
After all, they nod
After all, they nod
and nod again.
Putin has gone too far.
We must draw a line,
take a stand, but . . .
they pause.
Our resistance may take us all
to a nuclear world war. For now,
the bombs fall only in Ukraine.
to a nuclear world war. For now,
the bombs fall only in Ukraine.
For now.
Just this morning, the Guardian released news that Boris Johnson's took a surprise visit to meet with Zelensky in Kyiv. Johnson promised: "We will provide support so that Ukraine is never invaded again." Also in the news, Sweden and Finland, with its 800 mile border next to Russia, may join NATO by summer. All this complicates those ongoing talks in public meetings and behind closed doors as well as life in Ukraine as Russian attacks continue.
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