Thursday, February 08, 2024

Checking back in for 2024


Just recovering from a day of driving and a little hiking with friends at Snow Canyon near St. George, Utah. We are here for another week before heading further south, on our way to Tucson, looking forward to warmer weather and sunny skies. Being older than average has slowed us down a bit. 

Did you notice I haven't blogged since 2023???  Perhaps it was just time for a little break. There's something about the start of a new year that invites us to reflect. Maybe it's time to cut back? Maybe it's time to set new goals?

Mine are rather simple:
  • Finish Unleashed Pursuit (a doggone mystery), currently 43K (goal: 65K).
  • Develop a realistic marketing plan (goal: 2 action steps/month).
  • Cook more vegetarian meals (goal: 4 days a week).
What are your goals and/or dreams for 2024? 

What would you really like to accomplish this year?

And, what do you think:  Should I continue this blog? Aim for weekly posts? Whatever you comment, trust that I will take your suggestions seriously.

May 2024 be a good year for us all!

Source: Kumospace