Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Last of 2021 . . . almost!

Outside, it's 14F with snow flurries expected throughout the day. We're taking our granddaughter to see Encanto, a lovely way to almost end the year. And what a year it's been. Don't ask her about Covid. When she says Covid, it sounds like she's swearing! 

So, I'm sending Happy New Year wishes to you! 

Despite all, we have much to be thankful for. We're warm, safe in our little aparto, dinner is already made, and we're sharing stories from long ago, bundled up with good memories. Allen and I have been married nearly 47 years! What a miracle it seems now that we actually met. All because a friend I worked with needed a ride to the airport -- on a Friday night. At midnight. 

His roommate said whoever was nice enough to give Cap a ride, he'd treat that person to dinner. I guess he was expecting a guy because when I knocked on the door of their apartment, Allen nearly closed it in my face. We did have a lovely dinner at a small French restaurant. 

After we dropped Cap off at the airport, a moment came when we both tried to speak. Allen said, "You go first." I screwed up my courage and said, "Would you like to stop for a drink?" He laughed. "I was going to ask you the very same thing." The rest is history. When Cap came home, we were there to pick him up, and we were already a couple. And I'm thankful for so much, our daughter, and now son-in-law, and those grandkids!

Do you look back to a special day? I  hope so. 

May you be blessed with good family memories from the past, with  more to come in 2022!  

And, oops! I almost forgot. If you haven't picked up a copy of The Seventh Tapestry: An Art Crimes Mystery, why not do it before January 3rd? Wouldn't you like to be distracted just a little by a budding romance, a mysterious medieval tapestry that carries secrets, and a series of deaths no one seems to solve? Click HERE to take advantage of this free offer! 

Happy 2022 and happy reading!