Monday, April 18, 2022

Poem a Day 18: Five Answers to a Question . . .

Got up too early,
my legs are cold,
even so, new beginnings.

The smell of coffee tickles
my brain, almost a memory 
of warmer days.

If the cherry tree with tiny buds 
just outside my window bends
with snow; spring hesitates.

Down by the pond,
a trio of geese lift into the sky
to flap their way north.

When family gathers, the grandchildren,
three cats, and a large black dog play; 
their chatter warms my bones. 

Image by Ralphs_Fotos from Pixabay

Today's poetry prompt comes from National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) and is inspired by Faisal Mohyuddin’s poem “Five Answers to the Same Question.” Today, NaPoWriMo challenges us to write a poem that provides five answers to the same question – without ever specifically identifying the question that is being answered! So, can you guess my question?

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