Looking out over your garden with plans,
a cup of hot tea ready to sip,
crossword puzzle folded nearby for later?
Early spring means those first
weeds are shooting up
next to bulbs now sprouting,
sprigs of red, yellow, purple,
all the flowers you have nurtured,
and green everywhere,
as if the deer won't notice.
The days have finally turned warmer.
Once again, we'll gather
in your backyard,
and green everywhere,
as if the deer won't notice.
The days have finally turned warmer.
Once again, we'll gather
in your backyard,
hoping for a glimpse
of this year's fawns,
and remembering
all our times together, stories told,
far away places shared,
and now, good memories,
dear friends to cherish.
Backyard deer, Redmond
Thank you, dear Beth. You are so close to my heart.