Monday, October 19, 2020

OctPoWriMo 18: Begin the morning . . .

Begin the morning with hot peppermint tea,
hoping for a jolt. No caffeine;
Dried peppermint leaves 
were once found in pyramids.
Was its use medicinal or spiritual,
a love potion of the time? My sip
tingles on the tongue with sharpness;
the warmth soothes me
to meditation, yet the tingles remain.
Another taste, not the simple sip
taken in a polite tearoom
out of a delicate cup, but one of
those big, life-affirming, gasping gulps:
the tea’s warmth
slithers straight to my womb.

Image by Conger at Pixabay

Today's poetry prompt comes from Morgan Dragonwillow at OctPoWriMo. She asks us to begin by noticing what is around us. What could I start with but that morning cup of peppermint tea? Join in and see what others have written. 


  1. Absolutely delightful, well done!

    1. Thank you . . . I wasn't sure how this one would be received!

  2. I can smell and taste it, Beth. Love the final two lines. Thank you.xoA

    1. Thank you, Annis. Writing a poem a day is not so easy in these times of pandemic. Some days are dark. Luckily, not all of them, though.

  3. Beth, I love that and like Annis, the last two lines got me. Wow, good work.
    I'm writing with the London Writers Salon every morning on zoom. It's a great community . Maybe you'd be interested. They do three times a day to catch people in different parts of the world . In UK time it's 8.0 am 1.0 pm and 4.0 pm
    And it's free.

    They have a facebook page too


    2. Thank you, Grams. I've loved reconnecting with you and so pleased you are writing. Now, I'm not sure about London Writers, but I will check it out. Feeling a bit like the 'to do' list is a little long. . . but writing inspires, yes?

  4. I am strictly a Twinings English breakfast tea love potions or slithering anywhere at breakfast thank you:)
