Saturday, October 26, 2019

OctPoWrMo #26: What has been unspoken . . .

Baked a spaghetti pie this morning,
sweet smell of basil and tomatoes,
saved for supper. Made sandwiches for him:
one for breakfast,
one for lunch.
Last night we watched TV,
Ken Burns' country music special,
Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash.
music from the 1960's, the Vietnam era.
He told me a few stories,
and I remember when we first met,
that flash of understanding,
night terrors we both knew.
We listened with tears in our eyes,
each in our Lazy-Boy recliners,
far from war.

Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash sing "Girl from the North Country."

Tomorrow's prompt: How Did I Get Here.

You can visit OctPoWriMo at to read what others have written and for writing prompts for tomorrow's poem. Why not join in?

Thank you, Morgan Dragonwillow, Michelle Vecchitto, Esther Jones, and Maria L. Berg for hosting this month-long poetry challenge.


  1. A poignant poem. The Bob Dylan/Johnny Cash song rounds it out nicely. Earlier this week I heard a track of the two singing (I can't remember name of the song) but Johnny kept forgetting the words and the two were chuckling and singing along.

    1. Thank you! Maybe the track came from the Ken Burns Country Music special? I was surprised to see their friendship and really, really admire both musicians.

  2. I really love the picture you've created in this poem.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  3. When my library has it available I want to watch the Ken Burns on Country music. I love where you took this poem. There are experiences that will bond others that have had them with that meeting of the eyes.

    1. Thank you as always for visiting and commenting. We never really know where the next day's prompt will take us! Looking forward to reading your post.

  4. You have painted an enviable picture of contentment, comfort and closeness
    I think you must have a very nice life.I like the touches of domesticity like the basil with tomatoes...what bocconcini in Canada:)Lovely poem. I am getting around to reading your book..have not forgotten...just a tad busy at the moment.Cheers

    1. Thank you, Rallentanda! I had to look up bocconcini to discover that's mozzarello, and, yes, we have them. Try soaking those little cheese balls with olive oil and fresh basil, and a little salt. May the week ahead reduce that to-do list.

  5. Thank you, Odette. You can find all of the prompts at the OctPoWriMo site. Morgan posted them here: Then, each day, you can read the prompts by going to the OctPoWriMo page at There, you can read the prompt, see links to what others have posted, and post your own link. I hope this helps. Thank you as always for stopping by.
