Thursday, October 03, 2019

OctPoWriMo #3: Womb

If ever a child was meant to be,
singing ethereal songs, floating
in this hollow place within me,
it is you – beginning as
streaming, bumping cells,
simply loved,
uniquely yourself,
now a mysterious, genetic X.

It is you I have asked for over the years,
I have asked for this moment:
a name for an egg;
this I asked for 
awake in the night.

Source: How Babies Grow in the Womb (Dainik Bhaskar, Youtube) 

Today's poem is part of Morgan Dragonwillow's OctPoWriMo, that writing challenge that asks us to write a poem every day for the Month of October. Thank you, Morgan. I have no excuses. Just wanted to share a revised version of the poem I wrote when I learned I was pregnant with my daughter, who now has two amazing daughters of her own.

Tomorrow’s prompt: Cage: Pewter, Silver, or Gold. Why not join in?


  1. I love this Beth. All about becoming.

    1. Thank you, though this one was not so easy to write.

  2. This is so beautiful.

    1. Thank you. I waited many years for this dream to become reality, and my daughter is, luckily, close.
