Sunday, October 06, 2019

OctPoWriMo #6: Blue

Remember Sandra Bullock’s awkward portrayal of a pageant queen, half cynical and half hopeful plea for ‘world peace’? Lately, I’ve been feeling discouraged and pilloried by sniping political posts, sarcastic clips on all the news channels, right and left, and anger-filled twitter feeds, political in nature, literally distracting us away from those issues that matter. That’s where this ‘blue’ poem came from.

We live together on a great blue marble
floating in space, held in place
by physics, hope, and faith
that somehow we will not destroy
our blue sky mornings.
Inspired by children marching
for more than talk
at which we balk,
blue, blue blues, a jazzy mix,
I’m more than sick
of violence against just anyone
who’s different, who doesn’t live
in some pricey, gated suburb high on a hill,
You got it all. The votes, the money, the guns,
the ability to snipe away
at people sleeping in the street,
building walls against the American dream:
MAGA, you ain’t it.

NOTE: In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The UNESCO "Statement of Significance" describes the statue as a "masterpiece of the human spirit" that "endures as a highly potent symbol—inspiring contemplation, debate and protest—of ideals such as liberty, peace, human rights, abolition of slavery, democracy and opportunity." 

Tomorrow's prompt: Tongue, tasting and speaking.

You can visit OctPoWriMo to read what others have written. Thank you, Morgan Dragonwillow, for hosting and inspiring us all!


  1. Love the energy and conviction in this poem.

    1. Thank you. Wasn't sure if I should post as it's a pretty sad poem.

  2. This one is a cry for reason. Something we seem to have forgotten exists. I'm glad you posted it.

  3. Truly, all I can say is thank you -- and appreciate every effort we make to listen, simply listen to each other without sarcasm, hopefully to find common ground.
