Tuesday, October 29, 2019

OctPoWriMo #29: Lightness of Being

If I could be one
with nature, 
I would be here at dawn, 
rising with those mystery birds,
like leaves blown free
from that tree,
the horizon edged with blue,
the last of night
fading into this fresh today
with you.

Dawn (Pixabay)

Not enough time, I chant to myself as I start today’s writing, inspired by this lovely picture from Pixabay, reminded again of the importance of cherishing each day. You sleep. I type on the computer. Today begins.

Tomorrow's prompt: Me or Who I am.

You can visit OctPoWriMo at http://www.octpowrimo.com/ to read what others have written and for writing prompts for tomorrow's poem. Why not join in?

Thank you, Morgan Dragonwillow, Michelle Vecchitto, Esther Jones, and Maria L. Berg for hosting this month-long poetry challenge.


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I love this! Thanks for sharing

  2. Wonderful photo, wonderful response.

  3. So simple, these things that can give such pure joi de vivre. Lovely poem, Beth.

  4. Love the sense of transition in this piece. Flight, night vanishing. Lovely!

  5. A peaceful feeling, you definitely captured the lightness of being.
