Thursday, October 29, 2015

#21: Morning thoughts on fall . . .

Oregon's Red Hills by Sandra Brown Jensen
Suddenly the hills are red with color,
even in soft rain, low lying clouds,
we can see change 
from Indian summer to those last, 
precious days before winter.

Let's walk then, you and I,
out early, before the winter birds wake,
those last clusters of crows scavenging
our neighbors' yards before the snow comes, 
while above, Canada geese 
sing their way south.

Manito Park by Jeffrey Stemshorn

I have no time this morning for poetry, and yet these two photographs by friends inspired me -- as did the sound of Canada geese flying south on this cold, foggy, rainy morning. Busy day ahead, but take time to appreciate:

Sandy's wonderful video celebrating friends and fall.

What others have written today for OctPoWriMo.

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