Wednesday, April 19, 2023

WEP & NaPoWriMo April 19: Life Is Beautiful . . .

When I was a kid, I remember hiding
and running away, dark nights
when I woke alone, or the house was
filled with people talking and laughing and drinking,
and in the morning, ashtrays to clean,
bottles to throw away.

I learned to stay absolutely quiet,
to fear a slap or blow.
Then, my mother was beaten,
her eyes so swollen she could not see.
We moved.
And moved again.
And again.

When my stepfather broke down the front door
with an axe,
I called the police.
I was old enough to leave.
Life can be beautiful, my aunt said,
as she opened her home to me. I went to college,
discovered libraries, those rows and rows of books
that I could check out any time.

I built my own life, never looking back,
never talking about what once was,
still dreaming maybe, one day, a white picket fence.
And then I met you, a man who loved books
as much as he loved me.
Life is beautiful.

Allen with parakeets

For this month's writing challenge, the prompt from Write ... Edit ... Publish ... is based on the very powerful movie, Life Is Beautiful. Set in tumultuous times that every generation seems to face, we come to understand how to survive war. My response turns inward, sharing more than I ever reveal, in hopes it will help others to realize that yes, they can survive. Go HERE to see what others have written OR click on the links below.

Tagline: Regardless of how it may begin, life can be beautiful.

Note: 168 words. Any critique/comments welcomed.



  1. SUBMIT your name and URL to the list below starting April 19th to the 21st
  2. POST your entry according to April's prompt "LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL"
  3. USE WEP in your Title and the Poster on your page. Post your word count.
  4. STATE feedback preferences and give positive feedback as requested. See WEP Critique Page.
  5. SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media. Tweets are ready on the WEP blog.
Open to all genres - 1000 words maximum 

Email Denise or another team member if you have more questions:

1. Yolanda Renee  5. Jamie of uniquely maladjusted but fun  9. C. Lee McKenzie  
2. Olga Godim  6. Sonia dogra  10. Beth Camp  
3. Nilanjana Bose  7. Jemi Fraser  11. J Lenni Dorner  
4. Denise Covey  8. Hilary  12. Sally  


  1. I'm covered in chills, Beth. This is such a powerful piece with a wonderful ending. *hugs*

    1. Thank you for your kind words. This one was not so easy to write!

  2. What a great poem. Some might say you were lucky, but I say, you built your own luck. We all do, to some degree. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Olga. What humbles me (and what I hope to keep honoring) is how important it is to help others on their own path.

  3. Very personal and very touching, Beth! Life is Beautiful, indeed, and you found that out.

    1. Thank you, Lee. I worried at first it was too personal, but, hopefully, my writing does affirm this month's WEP challenge!

  4. Beth, this is a poem that both shocks and delights. Love the book reference to the movie. Thanks for joining us again! Lovely to have you!

    1. Thank you, Denise, for reading and commenting. I didn't mean to shock but to show that even in our 'safe' world, there are hidden challenges we all face. I appreciate the WEP community and how it nurtures all of us.

  5. Hi Beth - yes what's happened through our lives we don't let on - this felt so true to life ... I congratulate you on 'moving on' and building your own safe place. Cheers Hilary

    1. PS What I didn't say before - Allen looks so much fun and in that respect I'm so pleased for you ... happy days ahead - Hilary

  6. This is so beautiful and powerful, Beth. And I loved the ending. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. Big hugs. Sorry you went through so much. Glad you survived.

  8. Running, surviving, living. Yes, life is beautiful when you succeed beyond all odds. Beautifully written! Sharing is also the way to peace!

  9. Hi Beth. Thank you for sharing this personal piece that is both inspiring and heartbreaking. More power to you!

  10. So powerful. Sending hugs, Beth.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Moving and powerful! The poem flows beautifully, a tumultuous start but a HEA ending. Thank you for sharing this autobiographical piece at WEP.

  13. An excellent ending. Inspired use of the prompt.
    Proof of Existence, book two in my dark urban fantasy series, is out this month. I hope you'll check it out.
    And please don't miss the amazing giveaway on my blog. Act fast and enter now!

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Reference& Speculative Fiction Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

  14. Great poem - so many people live through hidden pain, the lucky ones find a way to make life beautiful.
