Sunday, April 09, 2023

NaPoWrMo April 9: Spring

Today's walk took us past that small flowerbed
now rich with purple crocuses. Tight buds of daffodils
and hyacinths poke through the earth, a promise of spring.
Already, those first flowers, delicate snowdrops, have started to droop.
Well bundled against the cold, we walk all the way up the hill on a wide path,
farmer's fields of mown grass dotted with a small cluster of occasional
Canada geese. And then we turn to home,
snow yet on nearby mountains.
Sometimes I feel guilty at such simple pleasures
that blot out all else. The flowers bloom colorful and vibrant
in their own season, beginnings and endings, as do we. 

Crocus in bloom (Anna May)


  1. Love your poem. And I'm happy that my purple crocuses recently bloomed. Spring is finally here!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I think we are all grateful for spring! Finally!

  2. I love your post, I too am looking forward to the early flowers. I've not noticed any here yet except tulip plants are pushing through the ground.
