Beth Camp Historical Fiction

Monday, April 03, 2023

NaPoWriMo April 3: Go Gentle . . .

Image by Martin Winkler on Pixabay 

Go gentle into this new morning,
Celebrate each beginning;
Sing newly formed words with each breath.

Newly born, I am drawn to that light,
because my words, one by one, bring dreams to life.
Go gentle into this new morning.

Doubters yet, we are the first to truly see
how each action ripples in a pond,
Sing newly formed words with each breath.

Sweet infants just this side of life,
all unknowing, shaped by what is yet to come:
Go gentle into this new morning,

Those who are unborn, who cannot see,
Their sight not known,
Sing newly formed words with each breath.

And you, my mother, somewhere in time,
I only wish you to
Go gentle into this new morning,
Sing newly formed words with each breath.

NaPoWriMo Day 3's prompt asks us to take a favorite poem and somehow rewrite it from an opposite point of view, reversing images and concepts. I have always loved that Dylan Thomas poem, "Do not go gentle into that good night" and somehow played with words and concepts to draft the above.

Visit participants' sites at NaPoWriMo to read what others have written!

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