Beth Camp Historical Fiction

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

NaPoWriMo April 25: When do dreams . . .

When do dreams begin?
Even at night, fantasy or nightmare,
somehow a dream brings the possibility
of change, not always welcome,
that line of needy ghosts or vampires
that tap and tap at the door,
at the window, wanting in.
All we can do as children
is to run crying down the hall,
sometimes to be held in that darkest night.

I wait for dreams to come,
now dressed in memories of purest blue sky,
an elephant dancing in the bush,
two giraffes silhouetted on a hill,
and you, always by my side,
bringer of dreams.
Tanzania, 2018

Today's poetry prompt comes from David Brewer, of Writer's Digest fame, who kindly challenges us to write a poem about dreams OR reality. Hmm. Maybe my poem is a mix. When I was a kid, I dreamed of traveling everywhere. Thank you, Mr. Brewer! Learn more about his poetry prompts HERE.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful, your imagery puts me right there with you!
