Sunday, April 02, 2023

NaPoWriMo April 2: Ode to an Oyster

Image by jsbaw on Pixabay

Ode to an Oyster

An uncooked oyster slithers down my throat,
not even a tang of salt remains,
bits of garlic sting like a memory, elusive, 
leaving me to remember when I was a young girl,
facing down my disgust to taste a raw oyster for the first time,
impossible to describe, yet as unforgettable
as my mother's smile as she opened another beer
and got up to dance, the noise of the bar thickening in my throat.

NaPoWriMo Day 2's prompt asks us to pull words from a list at NaPoWriMo, then explain and rearrange into a poem, expecting something new to emerge. I found an old memory. 

Visit participants' sites at NaPoWriMo to read what others have written!

1 comment:

  1. I love this image: "the noise of the bar thickening in my throat"💜
