Sunday, April 23, 2023

NaPoWriMo April 23: On gardens . . .

In these first few weeks before Spring
really begins, I feel drawn to the garden,
any garden will do. Actually, I don't have a garden.
I walk past houses, their gardens hidden,
maybe a stone path leads around that house;
first flowers decorate the front lawn,
daffodils in a neat row, hyacinths,
white and purple, edging up from mulch.

My friend likes to spend time in her garden,
surrounded by the scent of growing things,
her hands busy pulling weeds.
What gardens do I know? The large, sprawling
public gardens with trees beginning to bud.
and nameless shrubs hinting at green,
more green, and I remember that first garden:
why would we leave Eden?
I'm not sure. Perhaps the same reason
I want to travel, to see what's beyond
the stone path that begins here,
this place, our home, for now.

Wandering along a stone path

1 comment:

  1. Oh so beautiful, I want to walk down the path in your picture and explore what is beyond. When I was young I walked deer tunnel trails nipped in manzanita trees. It was magical, I was small and the closed tunnel trail was just the right size for a tiny person to explore.
