Beth Camp Historical Fiction

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

April 1: An Unplanned Path

Abandoned Railroad Tracks (robotonoid, Pixabay)
Where do I go when the path ends?
Deep in memory, I follow a deserted train track,
hoping to find direction, soothed by the
stirring of the wind in the hemlock 
and fir above me, the sounds muted.
A jay calls warning,
then silence reminds me that
everything has changed 
and yet remains the same.

Memories of walks in the woods
are now juxtaposed against the latest news,
a steady drum of voices announces  
quarantine. Each day, deaths increase,
yet I am grateful for memory, 
if nothing else remains,
of those days walking in the woods
along an unplanned path.

The first day of April begins a month of challenges to write a poem a day to honor National Poetry Month. Here at home, despite it being the 23rd day we've 'sheltered in place,' I tried to write a poem using a prompt from nanopowrimo (National Poetry Writing Month) and found myself thinking about the impact of the coronavirus.

Today's prompt was to write a self-portrait poem in which I could take a specific action and make it a metaphor for my life. Perhaps, being older than average, memory and reflection fit.  Go here to participate!

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