Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 13: 9 words from the internet . . .

Don't LOL, man,
I blog when I can . . .
there's an app for that,
finding memes.
I 'll twitter,
once I find my hash tag.
Internet's crazy
spammin' me,
sending me malware
like some mere cat
with nothing to do.
Hook me up, wi-fi.
What would I do
without you?

A Mere Cat Meme (Funny Animal Memes)

Today's poetry prompt from OctPoWriMo suggests having fun with one letter to see what words come into play, poetic forms. I've long loved words and read dictionaries for fun. A new word I can't quite define is meme. Online a meme is some cultural item repeatedly transmitted. Could be animal cartoons. Could be a list of questions you answer on your blog and then repost the questions to a few of your online friends.

For me, blogging was a way to connect with family and friends when I was traveling. Boy, that's changed. How about you? Have you ever played with a meme?


  1. Fun to see these internet words wrapped up in a neat little poem, Beth. Thank you.

  2. Clever use of the local language of the internet, Beth. I loved the use of merecats to illustrate your point... great image. I love merecats. :) That picture made me giggle to. X

  3. Thank you, Annis and Shah. It's pretty amazing how technology changes our language (and our lives) so gradually we don't quite realize the extent of the change.
