Today, the first Wednesday of the month, is the day that writers share their thoughts, support other writers, and may respond to that monthly question posted by the Insecure Writer's Support Group.
Okay. You may have noticed I didn't post anything for November's IWSG. Thank you, IWSG, for not taking me off the list of participating writers. Simply put, I forgot, entranced sideways into participating in National Novel Writing Month, kindly nicknamed NaNoWriMo, or NaNo for short.
This crazy challenge asks writers to write 50,000 words in one month. That's about 1,500 words a day, a hearty challenge when I write 300 words on a good day. But, celebrate with me! At least until Thanksgiving, I wrote 600 words a day! And then, real life interceded once again. Foot surgery, then a truly nasty cold laid me low until pretty much yesterday, although I'm thankful for that nearby box of Kleenix and the joys of Sudafed.
In fact, today is the first time I've sat down in front of my computer pretty much since Thanksgiving.
What do I take away from this short hiatus from writing? First, I'm truly grateful for family and friends who supported me with phone calls, cards, visits, yes, even bringing dinner, for that recovery period. I can now walk without pain. At first, I thought I was appreciative enough. Then, the nasty cold came, about 6 days of not being able to do anything, no stamina at all. I began to realize this is what people experience when they are facing life changes, those serious illnesses that don't go away. That time when support from family and friends (if it's possible) means everything. Did I say today is my birthday? Today, I am 80, grateful for each day past and yet to come with my husband, family, and friends who are near and those online. I'm still hopeful a few adventures (and more stories) are yet ahead, and I'm humbled by this rich gift of life.