Beth Camp Historical Fiction

Friday, October 13, 2023

Welcome to Fall . . . A Writer's Notes

Walk with me through the Japanese Garden here in Spokane, at Manito Park. When all else is dark, the news relentless, here we can find a moment of hope and peace.

These last few weeks, I'm more aware of how vulnerable we are. Minor foot surgery put me in that chair, foot elevated, with limited weight-bearing activities. But, I rarely sit quietly, unless it's early in the morning and I'm writing. Aargh! And I feel guilty, for so many of us must face down larger challenges. And they do so with courage. So, I'm grateful. For friends, for other writers who persevere, and for quilters who manage to create beauty out of scraps of fabric!

Update on the writing: Still drafting away on that 'doggone mystery,' Unleashed Pursuit. I'm only aboout 18K into the story, but National Novel Writing Month, affectionately known as NaNoWriMo, begins in November with that maybe overwhelming goal to write 50,000 new words in one month. I'll keep you posted!

And what are YOU up to? As fall may quickly turn to winter, thanks to this year's El NiƱo, what are you working on? Any projects to report? Advice to share? Maybe even a new recipe or photo?

Are you looking for a free read? I just happen to have one to offer you IF you sign up for my newsletter (maybe sent out once a month). SNAPSHOT offers you a mash-up of very short fiction I've written, now in one place. These stories are drawn from science fiction, historical fiction, memoir, and coming of age. You can click on the SIGNUP at the side of this page or HERE to sign up (and, yes, you can unsubscribe at any time).

Meanwhile, enjoy that pumpkin spice latte, or even indulge in some early bird pumpkin pie. 

Have a wonderful fall season!

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