Wednesday, December 02, 2020

IWSG: Winter Dreaming . . .

First Wednesday of the Month means time to check in with the Insecure Writers Support Group, a time to share our thoughts and support this wonderful community of writers. 

This month's question: Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?

Normally, I would say my writing follows a routine, no matter the season, with an occasional day off. But this year, at least since last March, has been different. Covid-19 and the resulting necessity to self-quarantine has led to lots (sorry, lots) of ups and downs. And, yes, these did affect my writing.

Now, winter comes with its cold nights and snow -- and no promise of travel to warmer places to ease the darkness. And yet, I'm writing, busy with new projects, and grateful each day for the family in our 'bubble.' I'm feeling intensely grateful for what we do have -- small moments seem more important. 

My six-year-old granddaughter sleeps under the piano so she can catch Santa Claus in the act of bringing presents, not realizing she's still 24 nights away. Sweet dreams. My other granddaughter, now eight, at that age when she realizes not everything ends happily. Yet she brings giggles from everyone when she rolls her eyes. Each moment a blessing.

A friend just launched her memoir. Plunge! She left home to travel the world at seventeen and wound up living on a sailboat, living her dreams with the man she loves. 

Tenacity took her through each tough challenge and led her to snorkel in the brilliant blue waters of the tropics, living the life she chose. Free. Independent. Loved and loving. A remarkable read by Liesbet Collaert, one of the co-hosts for this month's IWSG's post!

And yes, I fell into her story as well. When I met my husband some 40 years ago, he said, "I can't really get too serious, for I travel. Around the world." I gazed into his sparkling blue eyes and replied, "I love to travel too." 

Not everyone understands our downsized life that so far has led us to explore four continents, to take our daughter to kindergarten high in the Andes, and now to settle in eastern Washington, close to family, with dreams perhaps of one more trip. For this December 6, this coming Sunday, is my 77th birthday. We walk a little slower, and I do wonder how many more trips and how many more days of writing I do have, each day blessed, living the life I chose.  Maybe one day, like Liesbet, I'll write my memoir, another writing project!

May the rest of your winter be blessed with what you love.

The awesome co-hosts for the December 2 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, Sylvia Ney, Liesbet @ Roaming About Cathrina Constantine, and Natalie Aguirre! Visit a few folks who've poured out their heart this winter month to encourage them with a comment or two HERE. And be well.


  1. Sounds like an amazing memoir. I couldn't imagine doing that myself, but I love hearing stories of other people's travels and adventures.

    Happy writing—and happy birthday!

    1. Thank you for your birthday wishes and for stopping by. I hope you read Liesbet's memoir!

  2. Glad you're still plugging away and brava to the little on under the piano. That's the season. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. I really should have a photo of that little girl sleeping under the piano. Not yet!

  3. I think the pandemic has affected much of our lives. Glad you are able to write during these times. Me too.

    1. I just feel so many times that writing is my anchor, so much so that on days when writing doesn't feel quite right, I can forgive myself. Glad that you are writing through these days as well.

  4. Hi Beth,
    Something unusual happened,I wrote a comment, clicked Preview and poof it disappeared. I entered my comment a second time, copy & pasted it. Clicked Preview again and poof it disappeared again.
    Now I'll press Publish. If you see it, it worked.

    Here I go again: I just met Liesbet via ISWG. Her book sounds like a great read. I live in Mexico, so unable to spend time with my grand kids. The story of your two little ones is precious.
    Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers

    1. Thank you, Lynn, for your perseverance. I miss Mexico so much and am looking forward to exploring your blog.

  5. Travel is one of the most valuable, and irreplaceable things you can purchase. I hope you are able to enjoy more of it and your writing with the new year. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you for your good wishes. May we both find open roads in the new year!

  6. Hi,
    I dropped by several times yesterday to see if you had posted yet and finally made the decision to wait until today. I always get a big boost of confidence when I read your IWSG articles and this one didn't fail either. Thank you.
    Keep on looking forward to that trip with your hubby. Who says you have to do a Sprint to be able to take another trip. Time to write your memoirs will come but right now keep moving forward until you get there.
    All the best.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a safe passage into 2021.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thank you, Pat G., for your heartfelt comments. Your thoughts encourage me. We had a laugh yesterday because the CDC posted earlier this week that we should not travel to Mexico anytime soon because of Covid. And they included this amazing picture of a nice secluded beach somewhere on the Mexican coast, just a few people, warm sand, sunny skies, and palm trees -- peace and tranquility. All that we can find here at home, if we look within.

  7. I hope you have many more years of traveling, after the Covid ends. And it will end for certain. Everything ends, even such a nasty thing as the current pandemic.

    1. Thank you, Olga, and the very same to you, although I'm thinking what was once the 'same' in the past won't be quite the 'same' in the future. But we all will be very, very grateful when the pandemic, our quarantines, and the illnesses finally end. A friend from another state asked me, "You don't know anyone who is actually sick with this, do you?" The sad reality is, I do. And for these families, life truly will not be the same. So, let's look forward to those future trips and times we can actually hug those we love.

  8. Aww, you never know, Santa could come early! ;)
    Trust the kids to remind you what is really important.

    1. Thank you, Jen, for visiting and reminding me, oh, yes, Santa could come early! Especially this year!

  9. Hi Beth!

    You do have the travel gene in you and I do hope (and believe) you’ll be able to explore some more soon. Thank you for featuring my memoir here. I’m thrilled you enjoyed reading it! And, I think you should get serious about writing your own. Yep... more writing projects. :-)

    Love your new covers and the banner of your blog. Very inviting and professional. Sorry you can’t head south to warmer climes for your usual month or so away. If it’s any consolation, it is close to freezing at night in the Arizona desert right now. Our heater is on, but the days are still nice. They have to, as we don’t both want to be cooped up in 70 square feet every day! :-)

    1. Hello, Liesbet, I'm really happy to think of you sleeping near the desert, maybe the mountains, or at least close to a palm tree or two. May you have good access to internet, and views so good (and inspirational), that you don't even think about that 70 square feet! Thanks also for liking the new look on book covers and blog. Whew! It was a lot of work!

    2. No palm trees, but lots of saguaros! :-) It looks like the “make-over” was a lot of work. Take care, my friend!
