Wednesday, December 16, 2020

2020: End of Year Musing

What a year! So many challenges for us all. Thank you, readers, for being part of my blogging community, friends virtual and real, I'm grateful for each one of you.

My gift to you: If you sign up for my newsletter by DECEMBER 21, I will send you a link for a free Kindle copy of Years of Stone!  ß Click!

Yesterday, our walk took us slogging through snow and slush up to the pond. What a delight to see that pond truly iced over once again, with several hundred Canada geese parked out in the nearby open fields, the sky clear enough for us to see Mount Spokane dusted with snow as well.

We came home from our daily walk, happy for the warmth of our little home, cozy corners for reading, writing, and sewing, and equally grateful for family nearby.

These last few months, two resources have led me to re-evaluate some marketing strategies. Nick Stephenson's Dream Team connected me with other writers and BookBrush led me to rethink and redo my book covers. Did you notice the new look of my blog??? 

THIS WEEK'S BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Emma Kathryn's The Sleeping Heart is a charming novelette about a shy young woman who strolls in a garden, at peace, until that stranger she's traded glances with over time suddenly falls and needs help. What Caireen does next will transform her life and remind us all of the beauty in a generous act of kindness.

Emma Kathryn, a writer and actress from Melbourne, Australia, writes with sensitivity and grace about the risks we take when we're drawn to someone, not knowing why or even if our caring is reciprocated. She's running a special price promotion for The Sleeping Heart through December 22. ß Click!

What else will 2021 bring? My hopes are simple -- time for writing (and connecting with that community of readers and writers), and maybe a little quilting, time for family and love, belief in a more peaceful world with healing from the pandemic and all else that makes some days dark. 

May 2021 be a very good year for you.


  1. Sounds like a lovely walk and reading your description about coming home to a cozy, comfortable house makes me smile. I signed up for your newsletter last month I believe (whenever you invited your blog readers to first sign up), so I hope there is another way for me to receive Years of Stone. I don’t mind signing up again, too.

    I do have Standing Stones on my Kindle. Do you recommend I read that book first as it’s #1 in the series?

    1. Thank you, Liesbet. Years of Stone can be read as a stand-alone, although reading Standing Stones first will give you more background on the family relationships . . . and how Mac came to be sent to Australia. Hope you enjoy these stories of long ago and far away! Sent you an e-mail too!

    2. Thanks, Beth. I hope you received my email back, as I replied before leaving my comment here. :-)
