Saturday, April 04, 2015

D is for Dayflower

I've never seen a dayflower
but there's something about the name
that reminds me of spring walks in the woods,
and a glimpse now and then
of hardy survivors
who -- not sentient,
yet spread petals to the light,
Could we do less?

"C.communis after rain" by EHM02667 - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
A short poem today -- Originally, I wanted to write about decisions we make, a version of those paths not taken, but a long list of 'to do' awaits, and just in the last few days, the cherry trees (in spite of Thursday's hail storm) have blossomed with pink. The first day of spring is long past, but finally, the seasons have turned. We have an amaryllis in our living room for the first time and admire its flashy red blooms, opening like a miracle. These small flowers, these dayflowers, are miracles as well.

Visit Blogging from A to Z Challenge and NaPoWriMo, both blog hops in honor of National Poetry Month. Why not write a little something to share?

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