Wednesday, July 06, 2022

IWSG July 6: What book world would I live in?

The first Wednesday of the month is set aside as Insecure Writers' Support Group. On this day, writers post an update to share what's going on in their writing life. They may respond to the monthly question or share news. We try to read at least 12 other posts; it's pretty wonderful to be a part of an online writing group. I hope you will join us!

July 6 question - If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?

If I were a teenager, reading science fiction books by the boxful as I once did, this would be an easy question to answer. I loved immersing myself in alien worlds, fantastic journeys, and pursuing quests that took me unexpected places.

That was many decades ago. Right now I'm polishing the very last connections between my historical fiction series and my new (last?) book in this series, Scattered Stones, slated for launch sometime in August, which tells the story of a couple separated by happenstance in 1840s Scotland. I call this story "blue collar gritty" for the average person struggled to make a living in those far off days. So I've been living in this book world of my own making for quite a while, but feeling ready to finish and next to jump into contemporary mystery/suspense stories about art crime in Scotland and Egypt.

Note: If you would like a free review copy of Scattered Stones when it's released, just let me know by e-mail or comments below, and I'll send you the link sometime in the next few weeks!

We're also on the road, a month-long stay in Vancouver, where all is new and slightly different. Our condo overlooks the small False River near Grenville Island. Little aqua-boats churn up and down as do yachts, sailing boats, and smaller sculling boats powered by oars. We're in the midst of downtown with mountain views and busy city life around us. A 6-minute walk takes us to Urban Fare, an upscale grocery store with sushi and Italian food, a bakery, and organic fruits and vegetables. Every nationality seems represented here. Diverse, energetic, young people stroll along the river as do we.  At night, the buildings light up in a breathtaking panoramic view.

And yet our condo is quiet, perfect for writing in a tiny nook or for reading that next book. On my list for the month: Erik Larson's Isaac's Storm and Kathleen Kaska's Murder at the Menger.

May your month go well, with new stories and many words coming your way. Stop by to say thank you to our co-hosts this month: J Lenni Dorner, Janet Alcorn, PJ Colando, Jenni Enzor, and Diane Burton!  And, consider signing up and participating in our monthly blog posts by going HERE!

Don't forget about the IWSG Book Club featuring IWSG writers!


  1. I love the sound and look of your condo. It does look like the perfect place to write.

  2. Glad you're having a fun month-long trip in Vancouver. Glad the condo has a good space for you to write.

  3. Glad you're having a fun month. It's great that the condo is a good place to write.

  4. The world of the unknown is as interesting as it is scary. I understand your choice :) Lovely condo BTW!

  5. Beth, welcome to Vancouver! I live here and I'm sure glad you like my city. It is not often that anyone from IWSG ends up in my neck of the woods.
    Your condo is located in a perfect spot. Don't you like Granville Island? I do. My mom, when she visited me years ago, loved it. If you find some free time, perhaps we could meet for coffee on Granville Island?

  6. Your series sounds exciting. And your condo looks wonderful. Enjoy.

  7. Thank you all for visiting and commenting. For some reason, I'm unable to reply to you individually. What I like best about this temporary home is that sense of quiet, yet being connected to nature as clouds change colors, birds fly by at eye level, and the busy life of a city goes on below, right next to the river. Truly, Vancouver is an amazing city. May your month ahead bring you good writing, warm weather, and some adventures!

  8. Historical Scotland is always fascinating. I would be up for reading an ARC.
