Wednesday, January 05, 2022

IWSG: Ah, regrets . . . I have not these . . .

Today, or should I say tonight, is the first Wednesday of 2022. What a world of promise in this new year ahead. Don't we all hope for an end to Covid-related drama?

Today is also Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) day. Here is our opportunity -- as writers -- to share our thoughts, struggles, and dreams, perhaps to encourage ourselves as much as we wish to encourage others!

Now for this month's question from IWSG: What's the one thing about your writing career you regret the most? Were you able to overcome it?

Thanks for the easy question this month, IWSG! 

Even as a teenager, I wrote. Poetry. Stories. For a very long time, my biggest regret was that I didn't start writing seriously sooner. Becoming a writer always seemed just a little outside of what was possible. I dreamed of 'some day' instead. Worked my way through school. Became a teacher. Married my dear husband. Our daughter, her DH, and two grands came along to enrich our lives. 

And then I retired! Was that only 15 years ago? Almost immediately, I began to write those stories that once I only dreamed of. Writing led to research into the 19th Century, travel to Scotland (just a beginning), and more writing. Today, I feel enriched by the whole writing process -- and by connecting with readers and other writers. 

Maybe everything that came before led me to this: Nearly every morning begins with settling down at my computer and writing my stories. Another novel is nearly complete, and a new story (planning, researching, drafting level) awaits. Regrets? Truly, not a one. How about you?

Why not join in with a monthly blog post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group? You could answer this month's question, go visit 10-12 other folks (see the links HERE), and celebrate your own writing progress! Why not visit our co-hosts for this month: Erika Beebe, Olga Godim, Sandra Cox, Sarah Foster, and Chemist Ken!

As our Ninja leader, Alex J. Cavanaugh says, Let's rock the neurotic writing world!

 And May 2022 be very good to you.


  1. A wonderful, positive response! It sounds like you've done well for yourself and followed great paths.

    The Warrior Muse

    1. Thank you, Shannon, for stopping by. No one knows what challenges we each face into as we set goals and struggle to achieve them. But, we can persevere. Maybe we don't achieve every goal, but we can celebrate every step!

  2. Happy New Year, Beth!
    I love the spirit of positivity that shines through in your post.

    When it comes to the writing journey, the word 'regret' is not one I'd use, simply because there is no one-fits-all approach and each writer travels a unique path.

    1. Hello, Michelle. I really do agree there's no one-fits-all approach pretty much to everything. And even once we think we might have the 'right' path, sometimes we get pushed in another direction! Or, we just choose to go that way. Write on!

  3. That's great that you found the right path for you and that you don't have regrets about your writing path.

  4. I love your attitude and I share it. No regrets. Whatever and whenever we did something, it was the right time for us.
    Happy New Year!
