Wednesday, January 19, 2022

2022: Too late for setting goals?

Am I the only one who feels like our world has changed -- and keeps right on changing? If I'm trying to set goals for 2022 (see below for my best efforts), why does it seem like I should only plan in 6-month increments? That the very floor beneath my feet may just shift again?

Will this be the year when we can meet with others without worrying about masks, vaccines, and boosters? My research for my current writing project takes me to the 1840s when many people didn't have jobs or homes or enough to eat. So I am grateful even as I know others face down these challenges still, every day.

With hope and commitment, here are my goals for 2022:

Writing. Finish Scattered Stones (final revisions now underway!). Begin research for book 2 in the art crimes series. Write 2-4 short stories. Write weekly in my blog, including a monthly Author Interview. Participate in two wonderful writing communities: the Insecure Writer's Support Group and A Round of Words in 80 Days. Meet locally with my small writer's group when possible. Write a poem a day for April's National Poetry Challenge. Work on that slow-growing family history (with photos). Evaluate progress monthly.

Marketing. Develop a feasible plan I can follow consistently to build connections with readers and build my audience. Evaluate monthly.

Quilting. Finish at least 6 comfort quilts by year end. Finish two quilts (nearly done) for my grandkids. Begin creating Jason Yenter's beautiful quilt, Enchanted Garden. Maybe restore my grandmother's quilt (see right) that she sewed in the 1950s and that I rescued from a very sweet German shepherd.

And that's all, folks. A simple list that will keep me busy! How about you? What are your goals for 2022? Yes, I'm taking names for future Author Interviews if you are interested. And, if you'd like an ARC (advance review copy) of Scattered Stones, please let me know. Just drop me an e-mail.

Meanwhile, may we all have a very good 2022!


  1. So good to hear from you. I am going to slowly ease back into my writing this year, as I am able to cut back on the day job in March and eventually retire in June! Cannot wait! Hoping to have lots of adventures this year, in both travels and in my writing.
    Take care, Beth, and best wishes.

    1. Congratulations, Chris, on your upcoming retirement! Wonderful news. I hope 2022 brings you all those wished for adventures -- new places and new writing. Such good news.

  2. Sounds like you've got some great plans. I agree with you that it's hard to plan with worries about COVID.

    1. We can hope for fewer cases that end so tragically as Omnicron spreads. We did happily emerge from being exposed. Lesson learned: no more visiting someone who's sick! And she's recovering nicely as well from Covid, no hospital stay. Still, there are far too many winding up in hospitals. I still hope for a better future. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. I love the quilt. I have several from my grandmother and one from my great-grandmother that I cherish. Here's to those plans for 2022!
