Thursday, June 24, 2021

Morning Musings

Today I begin by musing about my book covers, especially as I am going to add that fourth book to the Standing Stones series later this year.

Here are the current covers for my historical fiction series set in Scotland, Australia, and Canada: 

And the working cover for Island Wife, out sometime this year.

Do the covers really match my audience? 

I write gritty historical fiction and try to wind up with a happy ending, rather happy for now, for my characters always seem to come up out of the working class. Faced with tough circumstances, how do these characters survive? Make a better life? Do they give in to internal demons or do they fight on? I believe they deserve that happy ending -- even if only for now.

Given the experiences we've all faced over the last year and a half, isolation, loss, grief, and a feeling of helplessness, I feel less certain about my stories. My personal reading has become more escapist. I want that happy ending, the hero or heroine who rushes to the rescue. Maybe because I feel worn down, I want to write stories that focus more on light and hope. 

When I first began thinking about book covers, I wanted to be inspired by those greatest historical fiction writers, those who wrote serious stories. Writers like Hilary Montel, Ken Follett, or Edward Rutherfurd. Their more traditional covers promise a particular setting or time and rarely feature faces of the characters. 

So, my original covers, do they seem flat to you -- or do these covers that focus on setting invite you into the story? More than what I'm currently using? Which cover would you tend to pick up -- if you were browsing for a new read in your favorite bookstore or online?

As summer heats up, each day brings new challenges and, I hope for you, the beauty of the season. With temperatures pushing into the 100's already, those fragile blooms of spring seem far away. But, they will return.


  1. I prefer the covers with the women, by leaps and bounds. They feel more personal to me than the settings.

    1. Thank you so much, Liesbet, for letting me know your reaction to the covers. This is infinitely more helpful than me double-guessing what might connect with readers.

  2. I too love seeing the real women. They are so much more inviting. They show hope, fear, uncertainty, but real determination to succeed! Please keep the women on the cover. I truly like the cover choice for your 4th book in the series. I see hopefulness and determination to make her story successful. We all need hope right now!

    1. Thank you, Sandy, for commenting. Your reactions are VERY helpful. Don't worry. Those strong women are staying!!!! They are at the heart of my stories! And, yes, I agree. We all need hope right now.

  3. I think I would be more drawn to the current covers. Like Liesbet said, they feel more personal to me. I always read to connect with the characters. These covers make me think I'll be able to do that.

    I hope you get some relief from the heat soon!

    1. Thank you, M.J. I appreciate your feedback -- and hope the heat (today only 99F) is not too bad where you are. And, this month is Camp Nano, surely a distraction from the heat. Are you in?

  4. I like the ones with the women on the cover. Must more engaging.
