Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sept #5: To Revise That Cover or Not . . .

Got some really good news this week about a long project (over two years) of working with a voice actor to create an audio book for Years of Stone. I'm now reviewing the final recording and am so pleased to report the pacing, characterization, and overall sound quality is excellent.  

But, I've been looking at book covers for historical fiction. Many of these covers feature people -- that is, someone the future reader could identify with immediately and a mood that introduces the theme of the story.

So, my question for you is this: 

Does my current cover for Years of Stone introduce Diedre's heartfelt quest to marry her sweetheart who's been transported to Van Diemen's Land (Australia) -- and capture Mac's experience as a prisoner there? Can readers anticipate being caught up in their story and the history of these convict times in the 1840's?

I don't think so. Not when readers will be drawn into a story because it's about a relationship that grows, a fight to overcome insurmountable challenges, and a story that hopes to end happily, the quest of us all (even during these times of pandemic).

So, stay tuned. You just might find a cover comparison coming up -- with another opportunity to let me know what you think!

Meanwhile, may the month of October bring you adventures (safe ones), and good memories.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to what you - or your cover artist - come up with, Beth. Maybe a ghosted image of Diedre in the middle of the cover? Interesting enough, I’m head-deep into cover ideas and communications myself these days... Nothing is easy or straightforward!
