Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday Update: Covers and Projects, Oh My!

This last week (and the week before), all the news about pandemic has made me feel a little wobbly, like so many others. Luckily, the daily walk up to a nearby pond comforts me. The weather finally is warmer, the birds are out in force, and  red-headed blackbirds and yellow-head blackbirds squabble for space.

This staying-at-home is not for the faint of heart. Some days are more challenging than others, especially as each day brings more distressing news, but we have enough to eat, the hot and cold water works, and so do our computers.

Now that The Seventh Tapestry (an art crimes mystery) and Poetry in a Time of Pandemic are relatively complete, I have a new project. Whenever I feel a little claustrophobic, I can dive into researching Egyptian artifacts, museums, and crime as I follow Sandra and Neil on their next honeymoon-inspired adventure.

Just for fun, I made two covers, even though the final story is most likely two years off. So, which one do YOU like?

A friend suggested that an Egyptian setting might be a setting other writers have already done. Maybe I should consider art crime closer to home, right here in the Pacific Northwest. That's a bit intriguing, and I've already found evidence of amazing thefts where I least expected. I spent some time on Bainbridge Island just west of Seattle when I was a kid, and I still remember digging in the sand there for buried treasures.

Tonight, my daughter said, "Mom, the pandemic isn't over! Where's your poem-a-day?" So, just maybe, I'll find a poem in that morning hour before everyone else is awake.

What about you? What are you doing to keep yourself reasonably happy during these stressful times?

I hope you are well, safe, and able to nourish yourself and those around you. Even if restrictions are easing, consider wearing a mask, please! And cherish each day that brings something that gladdens your heart.  --Beth


  1. Wow, what a work ethic. Good job, Beth. Like both covers but the bottom one appeals to me the most. BTW, aren't children great motivators.

  2. Thank you, Steven. I do agree that children are great motivators, whether they're under 10 (really challenging) or all grown up. And so are grandchildren! Thank you for letting me know which cover you like. I kind of like that bottom one too. But as Robert Frost said, "Miles to go before I sleep."

  3. Those haunting eyes across the ages, my favorite, too. Love your energy, Beth.

    1. Good morning to you, Jamie. Nice to see you here. It was fun to play around with various images and software between writing and enjoying this lovely spring day! And I love your compassion.

  4. I have to admit, I like the first book cover better, as it exudes more of an Egyptian feeling for me. Strange, as I usually prefer “photo covers”. As is usual with asking readers for their options, you’ll get different ones! :-) You sure are staying busy and motivated during these challenging times! A mystery in the Pacific Northwest does sound intriguing. Maybe you can write an art crime mystery set on Whitbey Island? :-)

    1. Good morning, Liesbet. Don't know Whitbey Island, but I spent time on Bainbridge and love those memories of a sun-filled summer. Yes, I'm trying to stay productive and motivated, though with the latest round of events in Minneapolis, this is very hard. Stay well, you on-the-road spirit!
