Friday, September 05, 2014

New Website?

I've been seesawing for a while. Which is better? My blogs here on Blogger -- or should I take that leap of faith and learn Word Press?

Like many writers with thoughts of the next book pushing away at the imagination, I've resisted. As a writer of historical fiction with a new stack of books just waiting to be read, I'd rather read than rewrite code, and so set aside thoughts of my online presence. But when I would visit other writers, their pages shone with easy accessibility. So . . . 

Blogger won.

Notice the new headline below the banner that introduces this blog, upcoming appearances, my books, and a bio. My website has been revamped! 

What do you think? 

Have you made a change in your website? What factors went into your decision?

Early morning crane (Camp 2012)


  1. So, you've got into having pages. I love messing about with my blog, but it is a real time-suck sometimes. I appreciate the simplicity of some blogs, and try to cut back on adding things on mine. Every now and then I cull the clutter. But more replaces it soon enough. :)

  2. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Shah. I'm still not sure if I made the right decision, if this new navigation will be helpful, but . . . I really didn't want to start over with WordPress. Now, I can focus on the blog. BTW, your e-mailed newsletter is fascinating . . .I don't know how you do it!
