Thursday, March 27, 2025

Letting go . . .

 Recently, I read an article. Can't find it now, but the underlying message stayed with me: Consider what you have. What do you treasure? What do you use most? And, why are you keeping the rest? 

I looked around in the clutter of my office and three bookcases, I began to sort them out. Surprisingly, I just didn't need, read or plan to read many books. So, a few bags later, and they're off to a new home (friends, library, and donations). Part of following this process led me to think about when these 'things' were important. Good memories of teaching, but I'm not teaching any more. Good stories, but I'm not going to read some of these books again.

One half shelf of books is about those wonderful codices from the Maya and Aztecs, precious and sacred books written with hieroglyphs and intricate pictures. The Spanish burned these books, yet a very few remain. I couldn't let these books go . . . even as I learned today that new codices are being discovered -- which means new books will be written!

Pages from a Mayan Codice (Source)

New Aztec codices have been discovered (Source)

The office feels less cluttered. I feel lighter. Now I'm beginning to look at the rest of the house. What do I truly need? What do I treasure and why? Do I really need two kitchen scissors? Okay, in that case, yes. But this is kind of a fun process. 

What would you keep? What would you consider letting go?


  1. Bravo Beth! I, being a retired teacher have given away a lot of books to younger teachers that I hope and think will find them useful. Once I release them I have no way of knowing how they will be received. That said, I too did feel lighter. You've inspired me to take a deeper look at extraneous stuff that most likely I don't need. Thank you for inspiring me the less is often MUCH better! As to extra kitchen scissors, sometimes I misplace them or don't put them away promptly. Then I look for the others we have :-)

    1. Thank you, Sandy, for persevering -- and may you find those kitchen scissors! Your friendship warms my heart.
