Saturday, October 05, 2024

WEP October: In My Pantry


Image by Benjamin Balazs from Pixabay

Three things you'll always find in my pantry are garlic salt, garlic bulbs, and granddad's handgun loaded with silver bullets.

I don't trust the garlic salt by itself, but those garlic bulbs are too cumbersome to wear by themselves, even this time of year. I just don't see them hanging around my neck. So, I keep my garlic salt handy, right behind my old-fashioned breadbox, the one that Clem threw at me before he left. He didn't listen. He made it all the way out past the front picket fence before they got him.

I mostly stay inside now. Neither the TV nor the radio works. I'm thinking I may have to make a run to the city. Not sure how I'll make it past the front yard unless I wire the car up with garlic. 

I'm worried about my sister. She lives in a high rise with five cats. Clem never cared for her that much, so I haven't seen Sissy for far too long. Last time I saw her, she was telling me to remember granddad's stories about when the moon turned red. That's when I started cooking with garlic salt.

Have you ever had oatmeal with garlic salt? It's not so bad if you mix it with raisins and peanuts. 

Clem didn't like my cooking after I saw my sister. He said I should watch the cooking channel and make some changes. I just kept my head down and kept on with what I wanted. 

We didn't ever fight exactly. He just threw things around, and I kept cooking with garlic salt. And, of course, the entire front yard and back yard is planted in garlic. Nothing bad is coming in here.

Did I say this all started the week before Halloween? I attribute it to the blood moon we saw all through September. Can't say I'm going to have much for those trick and treaters this year. Not even candy corn, my favorite. I'm keeping it for myself. Though this year, it tastes a bit salty. You know, like garlic.

And then this morning, I heard knocking at the door. I recognized Clem’s knock, but I didn’t answer.

This flash fiction is in response to WEP's October 2024 Challenge, and also inspired by my daughter who always says I use too much garlic salt! Happy Halloween! 

Pantry staples, like garlic salt, take on special meaning at Halloween.
362 words.

Welcome to the WEP Halloween Flash Fiction Challenge
1. SUBMIT your Direct Link between October 1st and October 16th
 your edited entry, making sure 'WEP' is in the TITLE along with the badge.
3. STATE feedback preferences
4. READ other entries, giving positive feedback. Refresh on WEP Critique Page.
SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media. 

PLEASE NOTE: ENTRIES CLOSE October 16th (NY Time - check WEP blog clock)

ALL GENRES WELCOME except erotica - 1,000 words maximum 

FURTHER ENQUIRIES VISIT and leave a comment or: email: or any of the admins with your questions.
1. Denise Covey  6. C. Lee McKenzie  11. DONNA HOLE  
2. Renee Poem 1  7. J Lenni Dorner  12. Olga Godim  
3. Renee Poem 2  8. Sonia Dogra  13. Christopher Scott  
4. Roland Yeomans  9. Pat Garcia  14. Roland R Clarke  
5. Nilanjana Bose  10. Beth Camp  

(Submissions close in 7d 9h 54m)


  1. I hate garlic, wonder what that says about me. Muahahaha!
    Love your flash!

    1. Hmmm. Maybe that makes you vulnerable????? At least, at the end of this month???? Love your laugh!

  2. I love garlic. Not sure about garlic and oatmeal though. And hope that your protagonist doesn't let Clem back in.

    1. I love garlic too! My daughter says I put it in everything, so maybe that's what inspired this tale. Haven't put it in oatmeal . . . yet!

  3. Hi,
    I eat garlic and love it. It is good for infections. I enjoyed reading the story. I don't know what's outside her doors, but I am sure garlic help keep them away.
    Shalom shalom

    1. Didn't know garlic was good for infections. Thank you for enjoying the story. Didn't sound like a very good marriage, though, but at least she had garlic.

  4. Oh-oh. That is some scary story. I don't like garlic - it doesn't agree with my stomach - so I probably wouldn't survive in that town.

    1. Funny comment. Thank you! I didn't think of the town they lived in. Oh, dear.

  5. OOOh Beth, I'll never look at garlic salt in the same way ever again. It's fulfilling its purpose for your mc. A great Halloween tale. Thanks for turning up to make our October Horrorfest more fun!

    1. And thank you for coming back to WEP. I'm not so good at being consistent. Maybe it's too much garlic! But I loved the prompt and hope WEP will continue. :)

  6. Wow Beth. I really like your voice in this flash. I love how you've turned the entire horror story around with garlic salt. A superb tale.

    1. Thank you. Part of me feels sorry for Clem.

  7. I think thats the best first line I've read since Charlotte's Web, lol. What an interesting story. My hubby prefers garlic powder to garlic salt, but we still manage to cook with it. Maybe I should encourage him to start planting actual garlic though, in case of a red moon. Or and argument.

    1. Love your comment. Garlic powder seems too strong for me; I'd rather use real garlic or garlic salt. I was very close to my grandfather, so thanks for commenting on that first line. He did try to teach me to shoot, but that's another story.

  8. A frightening tale, centered around a pantry staplen garlic. Very imaginative as well. Truly superb, Beth.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and reading this story. The closer we get to Halloween, the more I'm cooking with garlic!
