Sunday, May 01, 2022

May 1: May we begin . . .

How do we begin a new month? Especially in the first blush of spring? (I'm remembering snow on the ground just two weeks ago!) With optimism and planning, yes?

About the writing: While waiting for comments from beta readers (holding my breath), I've stepped away from writing, focusing instead on April's challenge to write a poem a day. Now, inspired by Anne R. Allen's newsletter/blog, I'm asking:

  • Do I have a SERIES BIBLE for my art crime mysteries that began with The Seventh Tapestry, set in Edinburgh, Scotland? The short answer is no, and I'm poised to begin research on book 2, The Lost Sarcophagus. According to Anne R. Allen, a series bible will help keep track of key characters, plot lines, conflicts, and settings -- for each book. Sounds helpful when the two lead characters encounter their next art crime set in Egypt. 
  • When drafting, how can I bring SECONDARY CHARACTERS to life? Again, Anne R. Allen suggests defining their goals and motivation as these shape dialogue, action, and even images.
  • I'm working on FINAL REVISIONS for Scattered Stones, that last story (?) in my historical series that began with Standing Stones. You know, waiting for beta reader comments is really hard, even with writing gurus suggesting I put aside that final draft for a month. So, I'm now working on launch plans and lining up advance reviewers. If you are interested in receiving an ARC (advance review copy) of Scattered Stones, please drop me an e-mail!
About travel: Our family is gathering near Banff and Lake Louise, Canada, in late June to celebrate a combination reunion/anniversary/graduation. We'll drive up and along the way, stop in a few favorite hiking spots. Meanwhile, I'm daydreaming about another stay in Merida, off the beaten tourist path on the east coast of Mexico, and planning ahead for a stay in Las Cruces, New Mexico next winter (avoid the snow). Rattle those suitcases!

Image by Jörg Vieli from Pixabay

And other preoccupations: Well, health could be that first preoccupation, but we all face health challenges at one time or another. Plug along, do what the doc says, and hope for a good outcome. I'm feeling grateful for loving hugs from family and friends -- and coffee! Would love to have a kitty to pet, but then I'd have to give up those suitcases.

Quilting update: After drooling for nearly a year over his gorgeous pattern, I've finally started Seattle quilt designer Jason Yenter's "Enchanted Garden." Oh, those tiny pieces, a lovely distraction. Here's the first block, with 11 more to create.

I'm wishing you a happy spring, one with many satisfying projects, time with family and those you love, and most of all, appreciation for each beautiful sunny day, even gardens -- all without snow!


  1. Lake Louise and Banff are high on my list! Well, then there's Merida, too! Sounds like you're doing well and starting May perfectly. xoA <3

    1. Thank you, Annis, for stopping by. I would go back to Merida any time at all, such a quiet, beautiful town with such rich culture, and pretty much far from where those big cruise ships dock! Happy travels.

  2. I've been to Lake Louise and Kananaskis Lodge in Alberta,GEORGEOUS! It is such a lovely place. You have many great things coming! You inspire!

    1. Thank you, as always, Sandy, for spending time with me!
