Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 26: Coming Home

After weeks away, I come home,
opening doors and seeing anew
unfinished projects, beloved books, beloved you.

We’ve traveled far, you and I,
suitcases emptied once again,
after weeks away, I come home

To water the plants and gather the mail.
I stand for a moment beside the patio,
opening doors and seeing anew

The leaves outside so quickly changed to red.
I pick up the threads and find the words for
unfinished projects, beloved books, beloved you.

Manito Park (Fall 2017)
Today’s prompt for OctPoWriMo comes from Morgan Dragonwillow. The form of this poem, Cascade, is new to me. The underlying theme is ‘receptiveness.’ As we’ve just returned from two weeks away, these images seemed very dear. 

Learn more about this poetry form HERE or stop by to read what others have written HERE

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