Saturday, June 07, 2014

Into the Blog Hopper . . .

I think the My Writing Process blog hop has gone viral.

This very informal blog hop asks writers to talk about their writing process. It has no rules and no coordinator. Writers answer 4 questions and tag two more writers, giving each a deadline of 1-2 weeks. The questions are:

  1. What am I working on currently or just finishing?
  2. How does my work differ from others in this genre?
  3. Why do I write what I do?
  4. How does my writing process work?

Poet Morgan Dragonwillow got me started. Her invitation was quickly followed by another invite from Deb McKnight. I happily went off to the east coast for a family reunion and a wedding and forgot who invited me first. Red face! Morgan graciously forgave me.

Morgan Dragonwillow writes poetry about that unique journey creative people pursue. In Wild Woman Waking, an inspirational read, she celebrates her commitment to writing.  Her book pairs poetry with some phenomenal photographs from Tui Snyder. Morgan's combination of visual image and writing from the heart pulls me right in.

Then, one of my tags bowed out! So I invited Sandy Brown Jensen to participate, a creative writing teacher colleague I've known for many years. 

Sandy talking about her sister's painting, Cheryl Renee Long
Now the fun begins, for Sandy writes poetry, paints, teaches writing, and has embarked on something called digital storytelling, that neat combination of voice and image presented in a video. 

Her latest video brought me to tears, in the way something true and exceptional evokes that emotional response.

Here is Sandy's video, "The Current is Everything" -- her response to the first question: What am I currently working on?

The Current is Everything from Sandy Brown Jensen on Vimeo.

This morning S. J. Maylee invited me to participate in another My Writing Process blog hop via Twitter, a new wrinkle I almost missed. I'm going to hop next week, but with slightly different questions . . . and, inspired by Sandy, just maybe a different medium. 

Sandy balances her writing process posts with the end of the school term; her posts will go live over several days on her blog, Sandy Brown Jensen: Mind on Fire

Morgan has already posted her responses on her blog, Morgan Dragonwillow, Dancing Where Others Fear to Tread 

Why not hop on over to visit Morgan and Sandy?  

How do you celebrate creativity in your life?


  1. Thanks for bringing all of this to my attention, Beth. I suppose it speaks volumes that I did not of know of this.... Digital storytelling fascinates, and I am off to check out Sandy Brown Jensen.

    1. One of the joys of this emerging technology is we get to learn new things. I love the way images, words, and sounds merge together in Sandy's work. Can't wait to see what YOU do with this.

  2. Wow, I just watched Sandy's video and it was positively, beautifully inspiring! Thank you for introducing Sandy to all of us hopping along on the Writing Process Blog Hop!

  3. Thank you for stopping by. I thought you'd appreciate Sandy's creativity. Now we need to check Vimeo out! Sandy is committed to "create daily" so consider stopping by her blog.

  4. Hi Beth! Sorry it took me so long to stop by - I was on a hiatus of sorts - just needed a little me time. Thanks for reaching out - the video is awesome!
