Monday, December 02, 2013

A writer waits . . .

Restless and feckless, anxious, vanquished,
I have waited for good news, sad blues,
the drop of a letter, unfettered, bettered,
by awards, words truly swords that disarm, charm,
then nothing. Was I bluffing, trusting, crushing
my hopes to publish? Rubbish.
I shall self-publish!

This week's prompt from Poets on the Page is simply, "Waiting". Although the prompt is simple, and immediately an idea came to mind, the suggested poetic form, Alliterisen, from Shadow Poetry, offers a very specific number of syllables per line (7 lines) AND requires two alliterations per line (similar sounds). I didn't quite meet the requirements of this poetic form, but perhaps this poem captures how I feel about 'waiting' as a writer.

Writing is precious [173/366]
Writing is Precious
Rebekka Plies on Flickr


  1. Beth, it's a dandy poem. And so right on about what it feels like to wait while someone who doesn't know you passes judgement on your work. I love that you tried the poetic format.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Annis. Publishing is a big industry -- probably too big for newbies. I still don't understand why agents/publishers can say, "If you don't hear from us within 3-6 months, you'll know we don't want your work." Maybe I'd understand if I were deluged with submissions!
