Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wearing someone else's shoes . . . and ROW80

We'll be on the road for all of March, no set itinerary, just driving down from Spokane to Tucson, meandering, all the 'things' we need in the car, camping in a tent when we wish or sleeping over in a hotel. Somehow that appeals to me, that letting go of daily routine (sotto voice "and obligation"), stepping away from structure, and embracing the daily surprise that warmer weather will bring. I will miss our darling grandchild and family, but we are still going.

I will write every day, but that's nearly a given. When we come home from such a trip, all the clutter of our home greets us. My favorite books in a pile (his favorite books in a pile). My sewing projects and volunteerism (his sports). I cook (he pays the bills). When it's his turn to cook, we go out to dinner. Tuesday, movie day. We settle into routine like two left over sweet potatoes, not too dramatic, but cosy and comfortable.

So this week I'm in someone else's kitchen. Nothing I cook with normally can I find at first blush. I'd like to think I'm not too materialistic, but butter at room temperature? No. Mixing bowls, yes, but all metal. Everything matches beautifully, pots, dishes, glasses, as Kazantzakis wrote in Zorba the Greek, ". . . the full catastrophe!" No books piled up, except the ones we brought. I dread moving anything around and realize at heart I am not orderly at all. I'm reminded of the great disparity between the safari hotels -- and the public schools we visited in Africa, the warmth of the bricklayer's family, their music and singing the gift they gave us.

The kings and queens of medieval times did not live so well, no matter how much I admire their tapestries. How much is enough for Americans in a first world culture? I take far too much for granted. Even my simple life is not so simple, not even when I wear someone else's shoes.

ROW80 UPDATE: Today's update short and sweet for A Round of Words in 80 Days (see the challenge at with check-in to track progress each Sunday and Wednesday:  Writing: Finished editing Section 1, Years of Stone, jumped to edit Section 2. Writing 400 words a day, 5 out of 7 days, without counting notes or blogs. Need to write on my travel blog (more about Africa).  Reading/Craft: Set goal of reading 3-5 ROW80 colleagues every day. So far, so good. Haven't cracked Peter Maas' workbook yet. Marketing: Signed up for a free webinair on marketing. Otherwise, delay, procrastination, avoidance, even with another small check from Amazon. ROW80 colleagues: May your writing week go well.

Photo of the day: A bit of January whimsey from my daughter's back yard here in Spokane.


  1. sounds like you are doing just fine - reg. writing, editing and commenting - 'tis good - your forthcoming trip sound just the thing I would have enjoyed - just to wander is sometimes the absolute best:) all the best for coming week

    1. Thank you, as always, for your positive comments, Alberta. And all the best to you!

  2. Great progress, Beth, nice and consistent. Keep up the good work and have a great rest of the week!
