Monday, December 29, 2008

Sporadic internet . . .

Just a note to say that today we turn off internet in our Vancouver apartment and so I don't know exactly when I'll be able to read all the wonderful posts from writers on Sunday Scribblings or update this blog . . . as we land in Brazil on January 1.

If you want to follow along our travels through South America for the next six months, jump over to Beth on the Road. For now, be assured the writing continues. I wish all who stop by a New Year filled with beauty, creativity, and harmony. Be well and be at peace.


  1. Have a great trip.

    Buen viaje!

  2. I wish you the best of journey's Beth! Will check out 'Beth on the road' as well. Keep us posted on the books progress as well. Would love to read it if you need a reader.

  3. Wow, Beth, you're living the charmed traveler's life! So happy for you and your family! Have a blessed 2009, dear. You've kicked off the new year grandly, I'd say. Cheers! ;)
