Saturday, October 05, 2024

WEP October: In My Pantry


Image by Benjamin Balazs from Pixabay

Three things you'll always find in my pantry are garlic salt, garlic bulbs, and granddad's handgun loaded with silver bullets.

I don't trust the garlic salt by itself, but those garlic bulbs are too cumbersome to wear by themselves, even this time of year. I just don't see them hanging around my neck. So, I keep my garlic salt handy, right behind my old-fashioned breadbox, the one that Clem threw at me before he left. He didn't listen. He made it all the way out past the front picket fence before they got him.

I mostly stay inside now. Neither the TV nor the radio works. I'm thinking I may have to make a run to the city. Not sure how I'll make it past the front yard unless I wire the car up with garlic. 

I'm worried about my sister. She lives in a high rise with five cats. Clem never cared for her that much, so I haven't seen Sissy for far too long. Last time I saw her, she was telling me to remember granddad's stories about when the moon turned red. That's when I started cooking with garlic salt.

Have you ever had oatmeal with garlic salt? It's not so bad if you mix it with raisins and peanuts. 

Clem didn't like my cooking after I saw my sister. He said I should watch the cooking channel and make some changes. I just kept my head down and kept on with what I wanted. 

We didn't ever fight exactly. He just threw things around, and I kept cooking with garlic salt. And, of course, the entire front yard and back yard is planted in garlic. Nothing bad is coming in here.

Did I say this all started the week before Halloween? I attribute it to the blood moon we saw all through September. Can't say I'm going to have much for those trick and treaters this year. Not even candy corn, my favorite. I'm keeping it for myself. Though this year, it tastes a bit salty. You know, like garlic.

And then this morning, I heard knocking at the door. I recognized Clem’s knock, but I didn’t answer.

This flash fiction is in response to WEP's October 2024 Challenge, and also inspired by my daughter who always says I use too much garlic salt! Happy Halloween! 

Pantry staples, like garlic salt, take on special meaning at Halloween.
362 words.

Welcome to the WEP Halloween Flash Fiction Challenge
1. SUBMIT your Direct Link between October 1st and October 16th
 your edited entry, making sure 'WEP' is in the TITLE along with the badge.
3. STATE feedback preferences
4. READ other entries, giving positive feedback. Refresh on WEP Critique Page.
SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media. 

PLEASE NOTE: ENTRIES CLOSE October 16th (NY Time - check WEP blog clock)

ALL GENRES WELCOME except erotica - 1,000 words maximum 

FURTHER ENQUIRIES VISIT and leave a comment or: email: or any of the admins with your questions.
1. Denise Covey  6. C. Lee McKenzie  11. DONNA HOLE  
2. Renee Poem 1  7. J Lenni Dorner  12. Olga Godim  
3. Renee Poem 2  8. Sonia Dogra  13. Christopher Scott  
4. Roland Yeomans  9. Pat Garcia  14. Roland R Clarke  
5. Nilanjana Bose  10. Beth Camp  

(Submissions close in 7d 9h 54m)

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

IWSG October: I'd Rather Not be scared, Thank You.

 IWSG October 2 Question: October 2 question - Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.

I'm not really sure I have a response to this month's question. Ghost stories have never appealed to me, and if I'm at the movies, and something horrific leaps off the screen, I just want to go home. I do have a very nice cackle, though it tends to scare small children when they come to the door on Halloween. Perhaps this reaction comes from my own childhood experiences when things truly did go bang in the night. So, for this month, I'm wishing you well, and hoping all scary things stay far, far away.

Now, if we're talking about writing, I do enjoy, read and write stories that sometimes have a dark edge. a twist that invites the reader and the main character to confront and overcome a challenge, yet still somehow manages to achieve that happy ending that says no matter what we may face, we can overcome.

I do admire stories by Matthew Doggett who writes zombie apocalypse novels. Somehow his heroes face down their inner demons to find their way to what is right. And, a good gritty police procedural draws me right in, see stories by Colin Conway and Frank Zafiro.

Now, let's go explore what other followers of the Insecure Writer's Support Group think. Click HERE to find out more! And Happy October!!!!  

Oh, and check out that POSTSCRIPT below. I'm asking for your advice!

The purpose of the Insecure Writer's Support Group is share and encourage writers at every stage of their writing life. We can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. IWSG is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. You can participate by posting your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writers - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!

Just one more postscript: This month (if you've read this far), I'm struggling a bit with the difference between drafting and revising. My very helpful crit group gives me weekly feedback on my current wip, chapter by chapter, but . . . I truly want to finish the rest of the story, so when comments fly in, sometimes they take me away from writing what comes next. So, do you have any advice???? I do like the advice of Savannah Gilbo who suggests just jotting down a few words, maybe in all CAPS, so you have a starting point next time you tackle a scene. What tips do you use to keep you writing????

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September Reflections

The last few months have been challenging . . . but September brings the beginning of  a riot of colors, summer heat finally cools, and we're looking forward to my favorite holiday of the year -- Thanksgiving, with much to be thankful for.

Writing. I'm closer and closer to drafting the final scenes of Unleashed Pursuit. That story about a female police officer on the run who's befriended by a County Sheriff and his German Shepherd, Max. And I now have three beta readers (two with police backgrounds) eager to read. Revision has also started, thanks to my Thursday Zoom critique group. I never imagined how helpful they would be! 

Call for Beta Readers: If you'd like to be one of my beta readers or would like to recieve an Advance Review Copy, just let me know.

Also, what do you think of the cover? Does it make you want to pick up this book? This cover photo of 'Max' was taken by a Ukrainian living near Kyiv who's suffering from the war. His 'Max' was injured in shelling.

What I'm reading. It's no secret that my favorite reading just now is escapist fiction. Especially romantic suspense, science fiction, sometimes even horror, with Matthew Doggett's Undead Dawn, an apocalyptic tale about zombies, nuclear war, and that struggle for survival -- somehow with both grace and humor. Also this month, I could not put down Mitch Albom's Finding Chika, a moving tribute to faith, hope, and how one man confronts the severe illness of a young child from Haiti. 

Family. After two months of severe sciatica, Allen is finally healing. He can smile now and walk (up to fifteen minutes). And, he's reading again. A lot to be thankful for here.

Just in case you don't think I'm busy, think quilting! Allen took me to a fabric garage sale, and I found this amazing stack of African themed fabric that someone had already cut into strips (quilters will know what that means). So, no pattern, but just like writing, I start with one long strip of fabric, match it with sympathetic colors and other strips, enjoying that balance between shape and rhythm and culture. Here's a snippet of what will be a quilt one day. 

May you enjoy every moment of fall and find some time to nurture yourself!

Manito Park, Spokane

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

IWSG September: Rules or no rules?

September. These days are still warm but the leaves are beginning to change to yellow and orange, and we know that fall will lead to winter -- a perfect time for reading and writing.

This first Wednesday of the month invites writers of all kinds to share their thoughts as part of IWSG, the Insecure Writers Support Group, an online community of writers in every genre. We post in response to this month's question and then read what others have written. Why not join in? With thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for his leadership and thanks to this month's co-hosts: Jean Davis, Yvonne Ventresca, PJ Colando, and Beth Camp (that's me)!

IWSG September 4 Challenge Question: Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

I joined a creative writing class just before retiring because I wanted to work on my first novel, Mothers Don't Die, a dark story about a serial killer. On the very first day of class, our teacher welcomed us with a big smile. "I want you to write about anything at all, whatever inspires your creativity," she said. At last, I thought, I found a good place to nurture my writing. But then she went on to say, "Except violence. I don't want to read anything that is emotionally dark." Oops, I thought. What am I going to write about? Might as well write about mermaids! And so I did. 

Those short stories about mermaids led to The Mermaid Quilt & Other Tales. One of those stories morphed into historical fiction, which led to four novels set in 1840s Scotland, Australia, and Canada. And then I became fascinated with art crime after visiting a museum in Paris and seeing those famous lion and unicorn tapestries. This led to The Seventh Tapestry. Which led to another story set in Egypt about a missing sarcophogus (now in draft form and up next). 

Because I had a dream about a police woman suspected of murdering her partner and pursued by the police and the bad guys. I'm now maybe one month away from finishing the first rough draft of Unleashed Pursuit. Of course, this story has a dog.

So I don't really have a 'bad' recollection about a writing teacher who messed up my writing. I remember lots of encouragement along the way. If anything, I've learned the importance of having readers who care about my writing, whether they're beta readers working through a rough draft or readers who send me a note after finishing that final published version. We're, after all, a community of writers who care about writing and learning from each other.

Although many rules may apply (especially grammar), for me the most important rule is simply to follow your own creative insight. Surprise yourself. Be willing to try something new . . . or different. All those rules about plot structure or grammar (even capitalization) may come in handy as guidelines and lead you to unexpected discoveries. Yes, keep reading about the writing process. You just might learn something that will help you achieve your own writing goals! And, most of all, keep writing!

To say THANK YOU, since you have read so far, click here to go to Book Funnel to pick up your free copy of my flash fiction SNAPSHOT (at no cost and I'm not collecting e-mails). Hope you enjoy.

And, may I recommend Savannah Gilbo's blog? She generously posts writing tips that have always led me to rethink drafting, writing, and revision.

Happy September . . . Write on!

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

IWSG August: Do I really need AI?

 How can it already be August? Despite these scorching days, a hint of fall beckons from leaves tinted with brown. Snow is coming. The turn of the seasons. We just have to survive another hot summer. Right?

Well, that's the challenge. Except life has more plot twists than my favorite novel. The last four weeks have been a tumultuous experience as Allen was struck with severe sciatica, nerve jolts from his lower back to his toes, making it difficult for him to move . . . sleep . . . and sometimes breathe. Ice helps as we go from doctor to physical therapy to doctor. Maybe on August 12, those steroid shots will help. I've learned anew to take each day, one at a time, to do what I can and hope it's enough. Are you surprised I haven't been writing? 

The reality is the story still calls me, and this week, I was able to write twice. So far. Unleashed Pursuit, now at 55K, brings new characters and shifts a little bit with more and more questions.  How much background on how police departments work do I need to bring realism into my story? A lot. And that brings us to the question for August 7 from the Insecure Writer's Support Group August Challenge!

Do you use AI in your writing and if so how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?

I don't like AI. I want to follow my own musings. Last year, I played with ChatGPT to see how it worked and what everyone was talking about. Sorry. The shoe doesn't fit. Yet, even with Word, I see popups that suggest changes. Microsoft is introducing a new feature for Word called Copilot, and I learned I can enable AI in Word. Yikes! 

Yes, there are benefits in efficiency and scope. Thank goodness, I'm retired because isn't AI going to change the workplace, change how people complete reports, communicate, and in the short and long term, change demand for the kinds of skills people bring to the workplace? So, change education as well? And my grandkids. They're already immersed in video games, the iPhone, and the Switch (not really sure what that is). 

Yes, I jump onto Google with questions. And there is AI, quick with a response. Luckily, Google also gives me links to written reports that I can read and find my own way . . . but AI is insidious. The potential for AI to self-learn, adapt, innovate, and make profit for corporations is a devilish incentive to change our futue irrevocably.

Source: Image Flip   

I suppose I should be thankful for this month's question. I'm looking forward to what others say about AI. Maybe they will not be as pessimistic as I am. For now, may your OWN writing go well and the plot twists in your life be minor. Stop by to visit this month's hosts Feather Stone, Kim Lajevardi, Diedre Knight, C. Lee McKenzie, and Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen!  And maybe a few more by going to: The Insecure Writer's Support Group!

And here's a little background on IWSG:

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting! Be sure to link to this page and display the badge in your post. And please be sure your avatar links back to your blog! Otherwise, when you leave a comment, people can't find you to comment back.

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

IWSG July: Favorite Writing Software????

I first started writing seriously with an old 1930's portable typewriter, Smith Corona. It was the 70s, and I lugged that typewriter across the border to Mexico to meet up with my then boyfriend. We were both writers and have had an idyllic relationship that's lasted 50 years. In those pre-computer days, I typed fast, often getting those keys stuck. That doesn't happen anymore. Here's a picture of Allen and me reviewing rough drafts in San Miguel de Allende around 1974. Bell bottoms?

When we returned to the states, I got a job at a bank in San Francisco where I was one of the first to use a computer. Word processing came along, and, yes, I love writing on the computer. So much easier. No carbon paper to mess with -- and no need to use WhiteOut for any typos that occur. too often today. Even my iPad is easier to cart around than that old portable.

But software? I'm a troglodyte. I started with Word and have stayed with Word. Maybe I messed around a  little with Scrivener, but each morning when I sit down to write, I use Word. I like the easy way I can format a finished story. When it comes to editing and revising, Word's search and replace feature helps me find repeated phrases. Even a weird red line tells me to stop and look again at wording. But, most of my revision is done the old-fashioned way. Read. Reread. And reread again, making changes as I go.

Now some folks have taken the next step -- of wedding AI with Word. Not me. I'm a troglodyte and a little too old to change. Expect me to keep writing though. After all, when I'm finished with Unleashed Pursuit, an art crime mystery awaits!

Read on for a little more about IWSG. Why not check out what other writers are up to? Just click on this link:

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
The awesome co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are are JS Pailly, Rebecca Douglass, Pat Garcia, Louise-Fundy Blue, and Natalie Aguirre!  Check out what they've writtten!

Here's the July 3 question: What are your favorite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools? Why do you recommend them? And which one is your all time favorite that you cannot live without and use daily or at least whenever you write?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bad Guys, Bad Guys . . . What you gonna do?

Today's simmering into 87F. Thank goodness, it's movie day, where the air conditioning is cranked up really high, and I'll smell that buttery popcorn while sitting in the dark, watching a movie. Tuesday is our excuse to go out, dinner and a movie, though the choices in movies isn't that great this summer:  Bikeriders? Thelma? Ghost Light? Well, that last one is a takeoff on Romeo and Juliet, so we'll see.

Update on Unleashed Pursuit. Each day begins with writing, though the challenge this week seems to be really understanding my villain. I can see his face, maybe hear a little dialogue, but I still don't understand how he became a bad guy, someone who runs a sleazy nightclub and trafficks young girls. 

A little research online led to a fascinating article from Psychology Today that points me right to nurture vs. nature. In short, those early childhood years have a profound influence on how someone's ethics, morality, and behavior develop. So, if I throw abandonment and outright abuse into the mix, I just might have my bad guy.

The article by Dr. Joseph H. Baskin points out that poor impulse control, an inability to delay gratification, and an unwillingness to actually see the possible consequences of an action -- all lead to trouble. One final point by Dr. Baskin suggests I should be looking at a psychopath, someone so damaged by his childhood that he cannot feel for another (empathy) and who is driven entirely by self-interest. If someone says no . . . does he fly into a rage?

Interesting. If someone tells me, "No, I don't think you can write another book," (for example), I do feel an almost immediate inner sense of stubbornness and recommitment to my goals. But I'm not a bad guy. Not even when I worked at the bank so many decades ago and was told by one of my bosses to hide several hundred thousand dollars, without telling anyone. For about 5 seconds, I did think of a trip far, far away. Instead, I took the unmarked envelope to my friend in Operations and told him to put it in the vault without looking. 

What I'm reading this week: I'm fascinated by Joan Kopczynski's Spies, Lies & Psychosis: A Personal Journal of Adult Schizoaffective Illness Triggered by Traumatic Events of Love, Espionage, and Betrayal. This entertaining and intense memoir dives into the emotional costs of a high-stress life and is nearly impossible to put down. Currently only available as a paperback, I found my copy at the library.

May you stay cool in the coming week of heat waves.

And what do you think about creating a fictional villain? Any suggestions?